HP-TECHNIK Overflow Valves with Flange Connection for Sae-flange

HP-overflow valves with flange connection for sae connection is the overflow valves in flange design for SAE flanges are used for actuation type E: with adjusting screw. The special design of the valves with SAE flange was developed for use in marine and mobile hydraulics, as this type of connection is preferred there.

The valves are suitable for use with lubricating and hydraulic oils and many other self-lubricating non-corrosive fluids. They deliver excellent heating oils EL, L, M, S and ES and kerosene.

  • Maximum temperature of delivery fluid: 150° C. 
    Material: casing of hydraulic cast iron GGG 40 with certificate, valve tip, spring of hardened steel.
  • ** Action: directly controlled, spring-loaded overflow valve to maintain a set operating pressure or a set maximum pressure.

* * For other enquiries, please consult JATI