Kromschroder Pressure Switches for Air DL

Diaphragm pressure switches with micro switch for monitoring air and flue gas pressures on industrial and commercial installations and heating systems, for positive pressure, negative pressure and differential pressure, enclosure: DL..A, DL..K: IP 54 (IP 65), DL..E: IP 00/21/42/44, depending on the installation (cf. Accessories), EU certified.

Fields of application include the following for instance:

  • DL..E: Condensing boilers, boiler construction
  • DL..A: Gas-fired installations, fan monitoring, flue-gas monitoring, intake and extract ventilation systems.
  • DL..K: Air-conditioning systems, kitchens, laboratories….etc
Pressure switches for air DL..A
For positive, negative and differential pressureRp 1/4 for positive pressure, Rp 1/8 for negative pressure
DL 1,5A-3 DL 3A-3Z
DL 3A-3DL 3AG-3Z 
DL 3AG-3 
Pressure switches for air DL..A with test key
With one test key for positive pressureWith two test keys for negative & differential pressure
DL 5A-31 DL 5A-32
DL 10A-31 DL 10A-32
DL 50A-31DL 50A-32 
DL 150A-31DL 150A-32
For voltages 12-250 V with gold-plated contacts
DL 5AG-31 DL 5AG-32
DL 10AG-31 DL 10AG-32
DL 50AG-31 DL 50AG-32
DL 150AG-31 DL 150AG-32
Pressure switches for air DL 3–150K
With angle bracketWithout angle bracketWith angle bracket, for 12-250 V with gold-plated contacts,
DL 3K-3W DL 3K-3with drilling template and retaining screws, with tube set
DL 5K-3W DL 5K-3 DL 3KG-3WZ
DL 10K-3WDL 10K-3DL 5KG-3WZ
DL 50K-3WDL 50K-3 DL 10KG-3WZ
DL 150K-3WDL 150K-3DL 50KG-3WZ 
DL..H switches and locks off with rising pressure, with manual reset
Rp 1/4, with screw terminals,Rp 1/4, with socket, 
with one test key for positive pressurewith one test key for positive pressure
DL 10AH-31 DL 10AH-61 
DL 50AH-31 DL 50AH-61
DL 150AH-31 DL 150AH-61
With screw terminalsWith socket, with angle bracket
DL 10KH-3 DL 10KH-6W 
DL 50KH-3DL 50KH-6W
DL 150KH-3DL 150KH-6W 
DL..N switches and locks off with falling pressure, with manual reset
Rp 1/4, with screw terminals, Rp 1/4, with socket, 
with one test key for positive pressurewith one test key for positive pressure
DL 10AN-31 DL 10AN-61 
DL 50AN-31 DL 50AN-61 
DL 150AN-31DL 150AN-61
With screw terminalsWith socket, with angle bracket
DL 10KN-3 DL 10KN-6W 
DL 50KN-3 DL 50KN-6W 
DL 150KN-3DL 150KN-6W
Pressure switches for air DL 1–50EPressure switches for air DL 2–35E
DL 1E-1 DL 2E-1 
DL 3E-1DL 4E-1 
DL 5E-1DL 14E-1 
DL 10E-1 DL 35E-1 
DL 50E-1
For voltages 12-250 V with gold-plated contactsFor voltages 12-250 V with gold-plated contacts
DL 1EG-1DL 2EG-1
DL 3EG-1DL 4EG-1
DL 5EG-1 DL 14EG-1
DL 10EG-1 DL 35EG-1 
DL 50EG-1

* * For other spare parts, please consult JATI