Limpsfield Combustion Control
Limpsfield offers its users control panels to accompany our burners. These are designed and built around advanced combustion control equipment which will optimise reliability and performance of the LC burner .Working in close conjunction with the end user we produce and refine comprehensive panel designs to any required specification. Be it a Standard UL approved single burner control panel or one housing multiple variable frequency drives in a hazardous environment, we are able to meet your control panel requirements.
“All panels are UL approved, built and tested in an ISO9001 environment.”
As well as custom designed panels, Limpsfield now offer UL approved burner mounted control panels to allow users to commission and alter the combustion firing process quickly and easily. This neat package gives customers a more cost effective option for applications that may not require a fully tailored control panel.The Limpsfield Package Burner is available from the LC9 burner fitted with an Autoflame Mini Mk7 control system, through to the LC62 burner fitted with an Autoflame MK7 touch screen control system. All options are available as single fuel or dual fuel burners.
* * For others configuration and spare parts or any enquiry, please consult JATI