Siemens Burner Controllers LME7 Series

Burner controls of LME7xx is a microprocessor-based burner control with matching system components for controlling and supervision of forced draft burners of medium to large capacity. Its’ used for the startup and supervision of multistage or modulating forced draft burners and atmospheric gas burners in intermittent operation. The fuel-air ratio can be set either via an air damper actuator – acting on mechanical or pneumatic ratio control – or via pulse width modulated fans and pneumatic ratio control. Flame supervision is performed using an ionization probe, UV flame detector QRA2 / QRA4 / QRA10, photo resistive detector QRB1 / QRB3, yellow flame detector QRB4 or blue-flame detector QRC.

Burner Controllers LME71, LME73 and LME75 are the Flame Safeguards set a new standard for flexible, cost effective burner supervision. Ease of installation, programming and commissioning are incorporated into a reliable, field proven control.
LME71 :LME72 :LME73 :LME75 :LME76 :

* Remarks : LME72.000A2* Upon request.


** For other enquiries, please consult JATI